My open-source side projects and stuff that I built with my colleagues at work

EcomHeat - Manage Market Share, Monitor Sales Performance, Optimize Store Operation
The pioneering E-commerce data intelligence platform in Vietnam for brands with the most granular data information.
Built with: React,Bootstrap,FeathersJS,MySQL,RabbitMQ.
Learn more →
Military 7A Bidding
Creating a web-based system designed for the efficient management of bidding packages related to medical supplies information.
Built with: NestJS,PosgreSQL,JWT,VueJS,Tailwind.
Side projects

Personal website
My 🏡 in the ☁: Featuring my portfolio, showcases, code snippets, development logs, and creative ideas.
Built with: Next.js,Tailwind,Typescript,Prisma,Umami.

Website Selling Food
This website enables users to select fruits online. (Final project of web application development).
Built with: PHP,Laravel,MySQL,VueJS,Bootstrap.

Simulate Basic Geometry
Explore the World of Basic 3D Modeling Simulations on Our Website.
Built with: Javascript,Jquery,ThreeJS.